
Frequently Asked Questions

1How is the Mismatch Score calculated?
The Mismatch Score rates the quality of the mismatch between two classrooms on a scale from zero to five stars. Firste, the Score prioritizes ease of logistics by considering overlapping availability, grade and class size. If two classrooms have no overlapping times, grade levels are too far apart or there is a big difference in class size then the star rating will be lower or zero. Second, the Score rates the classroom profiles. The more different classrooms are the higher the star rating will be. For example, a classroom with more students that lean conservative will have a higher Score with a classroom that has more students that lean progressive and a lower Mismatch Score with a classroom that has more students that lean conservative.
2How long does a Mismatch conversation take?
The typical Mismatch conversation experience is 55 minutes long and consists of 3 rounds that are at least 15 minutes each, plus an intro and post-survey that take 5 minutes each. Partner teachers can increase or decrease rounds within a conversation at their discretion.
3How do I get connected with the classroom I’m matched with?
You can find the other teacher’s contact email on the conversation page after you agree on a time for the conversation.
4What is the version of Zoom all devices need to be to handle Mismatch?
We recommend installing at least Version 5.15.3 of Zoom on all student computers before holding a conversation via video conference. This version enables screen sharing to break out rooms. If you do not have this version on both the host and student computers we recommend printing off the conversation guides.
5What topics do Conversation Guides cover?
Conversations Guides are provided by dialogue experts at Living Room Conversations. The titles of the current conversation guides in the library are listed below. Log-in to view the library.
  • Relationships First
  • American Culture - Melting Pot, Salad Bowl, or Something Else?
  • Free Speech
  • News in the Modern World: Expectations vs. Reality
  • Technology and Relationships
  • To Vote or Not to Vote?
6Will my middle schoolers talk to high schoolers (or vice versa)?
If two classrooms are more than one grade apart (e.g. 8th grade and 10th grade) then the match score will immediately go to zero.

Two classrooms in the same grade will receive a higher rating than two classrooms that are one grade apart. This means that an 8th grade classroom and a 9th grade classroom could be suggested as a match with a 3 to 4 star rating. You have control over what classroom you decide to match with. You can review the grade levels of potential matches by clicking “Show Details” next to the other classroom’s name on your Classroom page.

Teacher Prep Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure you, your students and their technology are prepared for the conversation.

Permission Slip

Use this optional permission slip to inform parents about an upcoming conversation.